Cowboy Toasts
May your horse never stumble,
Your spurs never rust,
Your guts never grumble,
Your cinch never bust!

Cowboy Toasts                          
May all that you reap be righteous and fine
Like your woman, your horse, and your hat
As long as you keep your hands off of mine
Then By Golly, I'll sure drink to that.                                       

Love They Say is Like a Rose.

Love, they say, is like a rose;
I'm sure 'tis like the wind that blows,
For not a human creature knows
How it comes or where it goes.
It is the cause of many woes:
It swells the eyes and reds the nose,
And very often changes those
Who once were friends to bitter foes.
But let us now the scene transpose
And think no more of tears and throes.
Why may we not as well suppose
A smiling face the urchin shows?
And when with joy the bosom glows,
And when the heart has full repose,
'Tis mutual love the gift bestows.
I Prithee Send Me Back My Heart
by Sir John Suckling

I prithee send me back my heart,
Since I cannot have thine;
For if from yours you will not part,
Why, then, shouldst thou have mine?

Yet now I think on't, let it lie,
To find it were in vain;
For thou hast a thief in either eye
Would steal it back again.

Why should two hearts in one breast lie,
And yet not lodge together?
O Love! where is thy sympathy,
If thus our breasts thou sever?

But love is such a mystery,
I cannot find it out;
For when I think I'm best resolved,
I then am in most doubt.

Then farewell care, and farewell woe;
I will no longer pine;
For I'll believe I have her heart,
As much as she hath mine.
O Captain! My Captain!
by Walt Whitman
O CAPTAIN! my Captain! our fearful trip is done;
The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won;
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring:
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up-for you the flag is flung-for you the bugle trills;
For you bouquets and ribbon'd wreaths-for you the shores a-crowding;
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head;
It is some dream that on the deck,
You've fallen cold and dead.

My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still;
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will;
The ship is anchor'd safe and sound, its voyage closed and done;
From fearful trip, the victor ship, comes in with object won;
Exult, O shores, and ring, O bells!
But I, with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.
by Edgar Allan Poe

Gaily bedight,
A gallant knight,
In sunshine and in shadow,
Had journeyed long,
Singing a song,
In search of Eldorado.

But he grew old -
This knight so bold -
And o'er his heart a shadow
Fell as he found
No spot of ground
That looked like Eldorado.

And, as his strength
Failed him at length,
He met a pilgrim shadow -
"Shadow," said he,
"Where can it be -
This land of Eldorado?"

"Over the mountains
Of the Moon,
Down the Valley of the Shadow,
Ride, boldly ride,"
The shade replied -
"If you seek for Eldorado!"
The Power Of Hiking
by Angel Sharum

Awaken the senses
Explore and learn
Treasure the seasons
Natures' beauty at every turn

Climbing rocks
Walking trails
Leaves and grasses
The surface we sail

Open yourself up
Listen with your heart
Hear the wild calling
Become a whole, not part

Enjoy the majesty
Take in the sublime
Don't rush
Take time

Feel the wonder
The breeze on the air
Feel the sunlight
And be aware

Magnificent and beautiful
All coexisting
Excellence and perfection
The power of hiking
The Tree Of Life
Friendship is like a tree that grows.
Will it endure? One never knows.
It starts very fragile like a seed in the earth;
as it is nurtured you realize its worth.
When the roots are established, it begins to grow strong;
and becomes deeply treasured as the years go on.
As the branches reach out to welcome the sun;
you know you are blessed when you have more than one.
With the change of seasons life renews each year;
and our friends we hold in our hearts so dear.
So when it began there was no guarantee;
but in the end I found a friend in you and you in me.
Like the branches of a tree…
our lives are touched by those we meet;
and friends are our gift that makes life so sweet.
My life has been rich beyond measure
and friends, like you, I will always treasure
Real Friends

Real friends are so, so hard to find.
That's why I am glad, that I have mine.
Real friends are the family you choose.
Their the one's you don't want to loose.
“Where's the good in goodbye?”

Goodbyes are not forever.
Goodbyes are not the end.
They simply mean I'll miss you
Until we meet again!

A sunbeam to warm you,
A moonbeam to charm you,
A sheltering angel, so nothing can harm you.
The Google Search Recipe

It's a recipe that I've discovered.
Mix a few good friends together.
Let them inspire you, with their awesomeness.
Then Google a heart felt  "phrase or two".
Walla,  there it will be for you.
A song, A poem, A picture, A dance.
Something about love and romance.
All you got to do is take the chance.

Written by Larry Harrison
Inspired by friends
Thank You Poem.

Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for your time.
Thank you for all the things you do
That give me peace of mind.

Thank you for your loving touch.
Thank you for your prayers.
Thank you for opening up your heart
And the blessings that you share.

Thank you for your playfulness.
Thank you for your smiles.
Thank you for your kindred soul.
That warms and kindles mine.

Thank you for your loving arms.
Thank you for your charms.
Thank you for just being you.
Because I love, Who you are.

Written by Larry Harrison
Inspired by friends

Your Smile
by Steven Beesley

A drop of heaven from the sky
A sun kissed feather gliding by
A gentle breeze blown through my hair
Communicating with a stare
Dancing in a thunder storm
Suns embrace so soft and warm
Angels opening my eyes
Reaching up to touch the skies
Falling back into a bed
Not regretting what was said
Hearing your most favorite song
Your love's embrace so sweet and long
A full moon smiling back at you
A goodnight kiss, or maybe two
Never taking, only giving
You're smile makes my life worth living
Are We Friends.

Are we friends, or are we not,
You told me once but I forgot.
So tell me now, and tell it true,
So I can say I'm here for you.
If I die before you do,
I'll go to heaven and wait for you.
I'll give the angels back their wings,
And risk the loss of everything.
Just to prove my friendships true,
To have a friend just like you.
Bicycle Poetry

"Arms, hands, bars, knees
Spinning blur, fast trees
Heart bangs, tires sing
Wind roars, gears ching
Climbing grade, sweat drips
Heavy legs, a couple sips
Breathing deeper, suck the air
Crest a hill, pedals tear
Feel no pain, feel no burn
Still time to go another turn
Mind is clear, thighs are tight
Rolling speed, wheeled flight
BY Cowboy Poet Sunny Hancock

I was up in the Sycan Black Hills Camp
   workin' for old Z-Cross,
This was my own piece of country,
   I was cook and crew and boss.
The afternoon of that year
   was comin' on as I recall,
Meanin' summer'd hit the cap rock
   and slid right down into fall.

The days was warm and pleasant
   though the nights were kinda sharp.
I had a nice snug little cabin
    to keep the cold wind off my tarp.
Aspen leaves was turnin' yellow,
   bees was buzzin round the hive,
And it was just one of them there days
   when it was great to be alive.

So, I'm a-ridin' along that mornin'
   lookin' out beneath my hat.
I thought I'd make a little circle
   down through Silver Dollar Flat,
And maybe brand some big slick yearlin'
   with the address of this farm,
Because I sure did need to limber up
   my old stiff ropin arm.

I'd been just kinda' travelin'
   down this little open draw
When I came around a corner
   and I's amazed at what I saw.
I pulled my horse up, sat there a-gawkin'
   and my eyes went plumb agog,
'Cuz there's a big old brindle he-bear
   diggin' ants out of a log.

My old heart commenced to poundin'
   and I couldn't get 'nough air,
I knew I'd never have a better chance
   to rope myself a bear.
I was trying to jerk my rope down,
   my old horse began to dance.
Hell, old Bruin, hadn't seen me,
   he's still busy diggin' ants.

I got my rope tied hard and solid
   so I said a little prayer,
Then I let out a cowboy war whoop
   and I built right to that bear.
The old beast heard me comin'
   and he beat it for the trees.
They weren't no moss a-growin' on him
   and he sure did split the breeze.

But I pulled right in behind him
   and like that bible story told,
I cast my bread upon the water,
   and it came back a thousand fold!
Well, I pitched the slack right at him
    and I turned my pony neat,
And I heard him grunt as he hit the ground
   as I jerked him off his feet.

Then I towed him toward the timber
   just the way it should be done.
Hell, there wasn't nothin' to it;
   ropin' bears is lots of fun.
In the timber I got busy
   dodgin' limbs and brush and such,
And I ain't had time
    to check up on my cargo very much.

I'm gonna start by breakin' him to lead
   or at least that's what I hope.
Then I looked back and here that bear come
   hand over hand right up my rope.
Well things sure started lookin' different
   so I tells him, "OK Bruin,
I'll start payin' more attention
   to this little job I'm a doin'.

"I'll just zig and zag and circle some
    now you just follow me
'Cuz you're about to meet your maker
   on some big old Jack Pine tree."
Well I zigged and zagged and circled
   but it seemed to no avail
And next time I checked,
   old Teddy's right behind my horse's tail.

About that time, why, my old pony
   made a funny little jump,
And that old bear he started climbin'
   up my rope, across his rump.
I yelled and squalled and hollered
   and I slapped him with my hat,
But that old bear was plumb determined;
   he's comin' right up where I'm at.

You know, I've knowed a lot of people
   in the hills and on the plains,
and nobody ever told me
   I was over blessed with brains.
But it didn't take no Einstein
   with no special high IQ
Nor no call from God to tell me
   what that bear was gonna do.

I know a coward's way out's a bad one
   in most anybody's book,
But that's the only route left open now
   so that's the one I took.
I just bailed off and checked it to him,
   but a big rock broke my fall.
Old boy, I said, it looks to me
   like you just bought it all.

As they went crashin' through the timber,
   why, I realized, of course
That I'd just lost a damn good saddle
   and the company'd lost a horse.
And how's a man supposed to tell it
   with the boss astandin' there
You took a plumb good horse and saddle
   and just gave 'em to a bear!

These thoughts and lots more like 'em
   kept a-runnin' through my mind
As I went limpin down that cow trail
   tryin' to leave that wreck behind.
My clothes was sorta tattered
   and I'd lost some chunks of hide,
But my body wasn't hurtin'
    near as much as was my pride.

Then I heard a noise behind me
   and the sound began to swell,
Back the way that I'd just come from
   and I wondered what the hell?
Then I seen my horse a-comin',
   steppin' lively down the slope
That old bear's up in my saddle,
   got a loop built, swingin' my rope.